Tuesday, May 4, 2010

19.5 years later

Applause went up after the final presentation last night and it carried on out into the parking lot. I am thrilled to be done with classes, papers, tests, and all the late nights and weekends I could have been doing more fun things. I am also sad I won't get to see my friends every week and won't get to learn from some really great professors anymore. Talk about some mixed emotions.

I am excited this means I am one step closer to getting a real job and that I survived what has seemed like a really long journey. At times I thought I was going to burn out but I really feel happy that I finished as strong as I did. I am so thankful Ryan and I decided I should take off of work during the school year for this final stretch. There is no way I could have managed that with my internships and ever spent quality time with him. I am so thankful to have been blessed with some really great groups in school too. Group work can be tough and especially when you have a group in all of your classes right til the end. We worked together so nicely though and definitely accomplished our girls. I was dreading research but I loved my group and will definitely be in withdrawals now that I won't be getting together with them at least once a week. I am looking forward to getting together with them just for fun though.

Yesterday was bittersweet, but I am all too aware of how painful it will be to drive away from the elementary school on Thursday and how I just might cry through my entire goodbye lunch with my supervisor. I always get attached to the kids I work with, but these kids really got to me. I know they will be okay and I will be okay and I am so thankful for what God did with our time together. It will still hurt though.

I am thankful Ryan and I both have off Friday to process it all before the unit leaves for training Saturday morning. I know I will need that and I am so thankful I will have it. For now, I am enjoying a day to get things done and regroup so I can be as strong as I can be at my last two days of my internship.

19.5 years in the making I am finally done with school. Wow, God is good! I cannot wait to get my MSW and MDiv in my hands and on my wall!

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