In any case, we got home from the game a little bit ago and we are so happy that they won. Ry won't be home for the season next year so we decided to an extra game this season to make up for it so we are going to see the Ottawa Senators on March 30. This time our seats are better too so that will be nice.
It was a really nice day today overall. I was off from my internship because of a teacher work day and it was Ryan's Friday off even though he probably would have had to call in sick again anyway (poor guy can't beat this thing but fortunately he could suck it up for the game though it looks like we took a few steps back now). In any case, I had to drop off some things at my moms this morning and while I was there I decided to look in her crawl space for any toys that I could have around the house for when kids come over. She has enough out at her house and I didn't want to take the really special ones, but I knew there had to be something in there. I have been on a toy kick because I love when our friends and family bring their kids over and they are entertained and enjoy being over here, but I also don't want to spend tons of money since we don't have kids yet and our money should be going to paying off debt and saving up for the house when Ry gets back. In any case, I struck gold with a wicker cradle for baby dolls and a few Barbies. It was so fun to see some of my old toys and to realize how many clothes and other things I can hopefully use for my little girl one day.
After that success I headed to run some more errands, one of which was to recon healthy foods for Ryan and I at Trader Joes. I expected to get a few things but to mostly just report back to him and see what we thought would be worth getting since I thought the prices might be kind of steep. I was so wrong. The prices weren't that different from the Commissary and they had a lot of the staples that we use. I filled up a cart (pretty easy to do since they are small) and I look forward to going back after we go through these supplies. We're trying to make the move to natural/organic whenever possible and it looks like Trader Joes will make it easy for us.
Sorry if this post seems disjointed but I am on a high from the excitement of the game, but also tired because I probably packed too much in to today. I just wanted to share some blessings before I close though in keeping with what is going to be a new tradition:
1. Classes starting off well and getting to see my friends at school again was really nice
2. I started some new groups at the elementary school this week and it looks like it is going to be pretty interesting, I have a selective mute in one of them
3. My most challenging group was actually almost perfect this week and I cannot thank God enough because Lord knows my patience was getting a little thin with them
4. My site visit from my supervisor at VCU went really well and she even offered to let me end my field early because of Ryan's deployment. I think I'll opt for more flexible hours to enjoy time with him when he is off, but that was really sweet.
5. I found some good deals on toys this week in addition to getting some of my old one's from mom's and stuck to my budget on them. Ryan thinks I am the biggest nerd but I just love having people of all ages over and its good for Sammy to learn that not all toys are his.
6. Thanks to Ry's bonus and our tax refund coming we were able to buy the tickets for another Caps game.
7. The Apple Geniuses got my computer back in tip top shape since my applecare ends in May and there were some weird things going on. After adding a little memory and their replacing some things they assured me that it should last a few more years which is nice since I have gotten so much use out of it and don't have any need to upgrade anytime soon.
8. I am looking forward to Tawnya's Housewarming tomorrow (and to baking for it) and to having a full row at church on Sunday followed by card time and grocery shopping with Hilly.
Life sure is good with another weekend filled with great people and great memories:)
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