Tuesday, March 9, 2010

8 weeks

8 weeks does not seem like a very long time. In 8 weeks I will be done with both my grad degrees. In 8 weeks I will have completed a very long journey. My grad programs have taken me a year longer than my undergrad and I feel like a completely different person from who I was when I began this journey. I still can't believe I am at this point. Another job opened up today and it's one that I really want with the Army. I'm not going to share details at this point because it is still listed as internal as of now, but prayers would really be appreciated that it will be opened up and that if it is God's will, it would be mine. I am not freaking out about a job at this point because I know it's a tough economy and Ryan's jobs and my part time gigs have given us more than we need, but it sure would be nice to know what the next step is in this journey in terms of where I will officially begin my career. Thankfully I have a pretty good amount of work experience and an abundance of life experience to guide me in this next part and I feel pretty confident about getting hired if the job is a good fit for me. I definitely know that my ultimate guide in this is God and that in Him all things are possible and I accept that it is His will in this next step and not mine so I hope I have the grace and the wisdom to accept His plan for what is to be revealed soon enough (8 weeks is going to come so fast!). All that is to say, prayers are definitely appreciated for this sense of peace about this to continue regardless of how smooth or rocky this next step is.

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