Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Back to the grind with some fun on the side

On Saturday I went to see the movie Valentine's Day with one of my friends and I definitely recommend it. It is pretty funny and has a good message about being honest with our friends and ourselves. Sometime we get so caught up in our image or in being afraid to hurt someone but it hurts them more when we don't speak the truth in love. I rarely go to the movies but I am headed to see Dear John with my mom and sister of the heart tonight. My cousin said it was good and all I know is that they are comparing it to The Notebook and we walked out of that one sobbing even though it is still one of my favorites so we'll see.

I am not a huge fan of Valentine's Day because it always reminds me of high school and everyone comparing how many carnations or roses they got with everyone. I always felt so bad for the people who did not get any when flowers were delivered to class and also remember thinking how silly it was to carry the flowers around with my books all day. I am not saying I disapprove of the holiday, that is just how I feel about it. I love being in love and my husband, but I also acknowledge that every year when Valentine's Day comes around there are people whose loved ones are away or who don't feel like they have someone they could celebrate it with. In that light, I hope that our church continues the tradition of doing a small mission project for Valentine's Day because to me that makes more sense than buying roses and diamonds. We bagged hygiene kits to be sent to Haiti on Sunday after church. It was nice to feel the love in the room full of fellow believers who want to do what they can for the people over there who are still hurting and who have lost so much.

After that we had a nice lunch and then I went with my parents to introduce them to Trader Joes. They found so many healthy things they wanted to try and I really think this is going to help them with the turn around too. I am excited to report that since shopping there and working out more I have lost three pounds since last week and I feel like I am going to be able to achieve my goal of getting back to a healthier me.

Yesterday was my first day back at class in over a week and it was a bit overwhelming. We have a lot for group projects and papers that require doing interviews that should have been pushed back for missing a week but we're just going to have to find a way to cram it all in. I have two interviews this afternoon for my research class and I am a little nervous about them since it has to be fairly structured and I am an informal kind of person but I'm sure it will be fine in the end. I probably should come home and do homework after that but a girls night will be so much more fun. I know everyone is feeling the crunch after our snowcation but it was so worth it to have so many days to just have fun with my loves and forget about the world.

Last thing before I get back to writing my paper, please pray for my cousin Colleen because it looks like her baby girl is coming today. She is two weeks overdue and I pray that both mom and baby are healthy and happy in each others arms very soon. I know she would appreciate your prayers as well.

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