Thursday, February 11, 2010

Weight loss challenge

So summer is coming and I refuse to buy new summer clothes. Post my injury last June I have gained way too much and in general just enjoyed life a little more the last few years than my should be small frame deserves. So I am publicly declaring that my goal is to lose 20 pounds by my May trip to Spain with my best friend from high school. I have more to go after that but that is within the 1-2 pounds a week that is healthy to lose and I think it is definitely possible. I plan on keeping you all updated as I achieve this goal if nothing else but to keep myself accountable.

How I plan to do it:
1. Eat healthier- whole wheat, fruits, vegetables, little to no chocolate and cut carbs like crazy
2. Stop eating after 7pm
3. Work out at least 30 minutes a day
4. Keep taking vitamins daily
5. Keep pumping the water

If any of you have any other simple tips I welcome them. Today was a great day with 35 minutes on Wii fit, 20 minutes of a workout DVD with Ry and 15 minutes on the Elliptical. I know this may be completely boring to read so you can just skip these posts in the future but I think it will help me stay on track. Thanks for indulging me and if you feel like you can be a healthier you, please join me because there is no time like the present:)

1 comment:

  1. I too have a goal before summer to be "in shape" and "trim".

    Some things that are helping me:
    6. Parking far away so I can walk longer into stores
    7. Intense work-outs three times a week (lots of sweat, red face for 30 min.- 1 hr.)
    8. Eat more lean meats
    9. Take casual walks for fun
    10. Running always seems to give me the best results.

    I hope that helps you as well. We're all in this together!

    Miss you Erica!
