Saturday, February 20, 2010

Review in Blessings for the Week

Sammy and I enjoyed a nice Saturday while Ry was at drill. After catching up on some chores since this past week was kind of crazy, Christen, Tom and Carter came over. Tom fixed our shower so now everything in the townhouse is perfect and Christen and I played with Carter downstairs. Sammy was thrilled to have his favorite baby over but Carter isn't going to be a baby much longer. He is such a good walker already and I just can't believe how fast the last 10.5 months have gone by. I had so much time with Tate when he was a baby but my move and injury happened right after Carter was born and even though I have seen him a good amount since my ankle got back into shape in September, it still doesn't feel like enough since he is growing up so fast.

In any case, I better get back to paper writing, but I just wanted to share some praises from the past week:
1. My first research interview went really well.
2. My kids were great this week and a student I was concerned about is holding up really well since her husband left for basic training.
3. My first time babysitting the twins went fairly well. I think parents of multiples are saints after just a few hours with them but they are great babies so it will be good training in case Ryan and I have twins one day.
4. I have more card projects than I know what to do with. The mom of the twins wants birthday invitations and I have Carter's birthday invitations, my grad party/Ryan's sending off party invitations, and Easter cards coming up.
5. I got to see a picture of my cousin and her husband with their new baby Claire and all look so happy and wonderful. I am really looking forward to meeting her and I hope she can come home soon.
6. I had a great night out with Mom and Diana.
7. I lost four pounds since last week and am really enjoying some new workout DVDs I got. I definitely recommend Kim Kardashian's Fit in Your Jeans By Friday. I love using my new step and I am really feeling it.
8. A beautiful Ash Wednesday service at church. Ryan was exhausted but he still came and we were both very thankful for the midweek worship and the reminder that it is from ashes that we came and to ashes that we will return. What we do in the middle is for God's glory and not our own.
I forgot to get a picture of him while he was walking but it was too cute I just couldn't look away to grab the camera.

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